Overcome legacy systems limits

Bleeding edge technology to power up your business

Avoid generic cumbersome solutions

Customized enterprise solutions to pinpoint your IT needs

Predictable and clear TCO

No 3rd party , vendor lock-in

no hidden licencing costs

Core based on opensource, better prices and flexible payment

Inovative aprroach to bring together techology and business!

Microservice Architecture

Our core platfrom is based on microservices, and is able to easily support very complex bussines rules, both realtime and batch operations

Efficient partnership

Our core solutions are provided as hosted web, mobile and cross-platform desktop applications. We develop at pace dictated by your plans and budget

Unlimited Features

You pay for services that you need. No package based solutions with things you don't need. The number of features is limited by mutual agreement and partnership strategy

who we are

solutions for everyone

We are a team of expirienced project managers, solution and integration architects, with respective know-how in enterprise development. Our focus is on delivering highly customized inovative solutions to support our clients' business. We provide full support and development for high IT demands.

mission statement

solutions for everyone

Our mission is to provide enterprise level quality software solutions for our clients, providing full support, consulting and development. Our core platform is based on open source technologies, so we can provide you with competetive prices and help you avoid vendor lock-in and using generic solution that only partially cover your IT needs.

the strategy

solutions for everyone

Our strategy is to become single point of IT solution and support for our clients, using longterm partnership relation. We analyze, consult, develop and support your business giving you new competetive edge. We do not resell big vendors solutions, but provide you with more flexible and customized solutions.

  • 01Brainstorming & Analysis
  • 02The Development Process
  • 03The Testing & Finalizing
  • 04Delivering To Clients